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Sunday, August 2, 2009


Pakistan navy is interested in buying camcopter s100 uav system…navy conducted trials of this uav in 2008 on its type 21 frigates ….The Camcopter S-100 is a highly versatile, carbon-fiber monocoque, unmanned rotorcraft being developed by Schiebel to meet the requirements of military and civil customers using a variety of modular payloads. As a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) air vehicle the S-100 eliminates the need for launch and recovery equipment. The air vehicle can be programmed to fly an autonomous mission profile relying on its GPS/INS navigation system. Schiebel has provided the S-100 with integrated checklists and numerous fail-safe mechanisms to reduce the risk of damage due to operator error. A built-in two-way datalink enables to receive control inputs and to send video and imagery to the ground control station in real time. Schiebel is targeting the S-100 rotorcraft for both ground- and ship-based applications such as tactical surveillance and reconnaissance, artillery support, maritime surveillance and amphibious support, and weapons delivery.

The Camcopter S-100 has two payload bays, side hard points and an internal auxiliary electronics/avionics bay. The primary payload bay, located directly beneath the main rotor shaft, is capable of mounting payloads weighing up to 50 kg (100-lb). Typically, the payload consists of daylight TV and/or infrared cameras. Besides, the S-100 could conduct precise delivery and recovery of guided munitions, deployment of riot control agents (smoke), and mine detection using infrared camera. The air vehicle is powered by a 55-hp aviation engine which provides a maximum speed of 120-kt and a flight endurance of up to six hours carrying a 25 kg payload and cruising at 55 knots. The mission range varies from 80 to 130 kilometers. video below shows the testing of uav by pak navy

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